Sunday 21 June 2015

Silhouettes and Illusion in Artwork

 So this is not exactly what I have been working on this week, but along the lines of ever developing my skills, I've grown to love the use of minimal detail for imagery and the eye completing the picture as well as the use of silhouettes. Here you can see just a taste of what I'm working towards with the two art styles and I will no doubt have many many more of these to come in future along with other styles I'm growing to love.

Extra points will go to those who can tell me in the comments the inspiration for all of these pieces, some obviously much easier than others.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Louder Now. Ever Growing, Ever Changing

I've been graced with a visit from the lovely Hayley Smith this weekend, owner, creator, main entity behind the ever-growing "Louder Now". It's been a really fun filled week, we went to a "Speaking in Shadows" gig in Nuneaton on Friday night and had the privilege of interviewing supporting act "Never Hill". Overall a very good gig, head over to where a full review will be up as of Wednesday 24th.

Along with going to gigs, we have also been working on the new image of Louder Now, the earlier post being an "in progress" appearance until it could be finalised. I can now say that the Louder Now image has officially changed to the sights you see before you. With some input from Hayley herself the new look of Louder Now is ready to go. Above you can see the main logo as well as the image you will find on the Louder Now Facebook page which you should all definitely check out!

Brand New Me

 So as you may have spotted by the giant new banner at the top of the page, I've undergone a re-branding. I felt it was time to have a professional look to all of the work I am going to be producing in the near future (with any luck). The name underwent numerous changes before I finally settled on Darren Iliffe Designs, and even more changes before I settled upon a design I was happy with. Here you can see a glimpse of a handful of the final choices I was left with before making my final choice of brand which you can see below, in case you missed the header, which if so, well done!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Louder Now gets even Louder!

Louder Now have been growing and growing over the last couple of years, thankfully I've been fortunate enough to get approached for not only the re-branding but also for a once in a lifetime Louder Now give away event for which I was asked for two posters for varied social media sites (mentioning no names). Go check it out! You never know, you might win the prize!

As you can tell looking at the designs, there is a strong purple theme still present, but hey, I think it works, and thankfully so does Hayley Smith, the driving force behind Louder Now and hopefully you do as well.

Hopefully this is the first of many projects I'm going to be producing in the near future, keep your eyes peeled for more uploads soon!