Tuesday 24 April 2012

A Slight Change From Animations

Anyone would think all I do is animate these days looking at my blog, to change yours (and theirs) minds here is a look at some other stuff I have been doing recently;

With these fish-based images I have tried to used simple methods of black line and gradient colours at first and then progressed into adding filtered photographs into the imagery as with the image of the fishmonger.

This image is a logo I have designed for my University's Graphic Design Society. The "F" standing for Fletcher (the name in which Graphic Design is taught) and the "10" for the floor of the building Graphic Design is primarily on. A reference likely only known to those that would be in the society which is why I think it is a good name for the society. I also think this is a good logo, it is a relatively simple design that is easy to read and could be identified easily from a farther distance. It also opens itself up well for changes of context as the block colours could be easily changed if necessary as well as having imagery included either within the triangles of the logo or within the white space of the "F" itself.

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