Sunday 17 March 2013

The Way of Shadows

 Motivation has finally found me and I've created a few things I'm actually happy with. I've decided to turn one of my favourite books into a comic, well, the start of a comic at least, it would be a massive undertaking to recreate the entire book. For the comic I'm creating the starting few scenes as well as a front cover relating to the pre-existing one from the book as well as a poster advertising the comic. Unfortunately none of these items are finished as yet but are all well under way. Below is a few trial and error pieces of where I am currently at in terms of the front cover and the poster. Hope you like them. I've also added in the existing book cover so that you can all get a feel of what I'm working from.

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Demon

My job has changed, I am no longer a Film Editor for the newspaper, instead I am now a 'Technical Coordinator'. Pretty fancy title aye? Well this means much fewer articles are going to be written by yours truly, what it does mean is that I've got more imagery produced, this involved front covers, full page spreads and general odd jobs for the other Editors.
Below are the front covers for issues 99 and 101 as well as a two page spread celebrating the achievements of Demon Media. I've also included the 'sticker' I made up for issue 101 for the Demon FM takeover of The Demon.
Hope you like them!