Monday 6 July 2015

Do NOT Talk About This Post

Okay, so I'm going to break my own title's rule and mention this post. I've gone over a week of not submitting anything to this page, not due to lack of activity but more due to many things being in limbo and others in the works. In the meantime, thought I'd do a quick idea I came up with just to give myself a break from everything else currently going on. If you hadn't guessed by now or don't know me at all then I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm a massive self-proclaimed geek and film nerd. I love comics, graphic novels, games, films of nearly every genre. Below is the result of one of these loves. If you can get what this is from, congratulations, you too are a geek. Okay, so probably not, it is a VERY popular reference used in many variations and I have been less than subtle in the referencing for this piece (in that the name is mentioned in the design.. Twice).

But anyway, I hope you like it, I will continue on my other works and hopefully have something else to share with you all soon.

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