Thursday 15 December 2011

I have looked more at the poster now, trying to get a fighting scene of some sort together, I experimented with the pictures I'd already drawn to see what sort of fight scene I could create (as shown right) but I feel I would be better focusing the fighting in the magazine. That and the picture didn't turn out quite how I wanted due to the different perspectives from each drawing I'd merged together so looks like I'll be drawing something else for the poster and saving the fight for the magazine, so I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Kay?
For the poster, I decided to have the lead up to the fight, with the charging, and the angry pouting, and the weapons and the... No actually that about sums it up. So I came up with this lot all looking evilly at each other and what not, to make it easier identifying sides I've even put headers on them to show who is who, cause I'm nice like that.

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